
The Cherish Freedom Trust

Since 3 July 2014, the Cherish Freedom Trust has been a charity registered in England & Wales with charity number 1157697 with its principal office at Turcan Connell, 1st Floor, 12 Stanhope Gate, London W1K 1AW.

The objects of the charity are:

(a) to advance education by promoting public knowledge and understanding of the history of the 20th century and more recent history, particularly in relation to the life and work of the Rt Hon The Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG OM FRS and in support of that object and otherwise:

(i) to collect, document, preserve and exhibit material evidence, historical objects and associated information and memorabilia and make it available to scholars and as appropriate to the public for the purposes of research, publication and discussion, and where appropriate for the purposes of viewing by the establishment and maintenance of a museum;

(ii) to provide education and instruction and to carry out research and to publish the findings of such research;

(iii) to organise and promote presentations, exhibitions and lectures;

(iv) to print and publish books, pamphlets, periodicals and other literature or publications and to compile, write, edit and otherwise produce materials;

(v) to promote the public’s knowledge and understanding of the life and work of the Rt Hon The Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG OM FRS by such other means as the trustees consider appropriate; and

(b) for the general purposes of such charitable bodies or for such other exclusively charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time decide.

The University of Buckingham

The announcement that the Margaret Thatcher Centre would be located at the University of Buckingham was made in 2015.
Housed in the University’s Vinson Centre, the Margaret Thatcher Centre aims to host both events and educational programmes on campus.
This partnership not only offers the opportunity to build on Margaret Thatcher’s legacy with vigorous academic schooling for the next generation, it also allows the Margaret Thatcher Centre to house its ambitious plans relating to education somewhere that reflects the enduring link between the University and the country’s first female Prime Minister.

The University of Buckingham is unique. It is the only independent university in the UK with a Royal Charter, and probably the smallest with around 2,700 students (approx 1,600 on campus). Margaret Thatcher supported the University from its inception, taking part in its launch when Education Secretary (1970-74), and later becoming its Chancellor after leaving office (1992-98).

The affiliation between the Margaret Thatcher Centre and Buckingham University’s Vinson Centre for the Public Understanding of Economics and Entrepreneurship builds on this historical association. Through this
partnership the Margaret Thatcher Centre aims to highlight the enduring relevance of her legacy in the sphere of political economy and elsewhere.

The Cherish Freedom Foundation

US taxpayers are able to support the work of the Margaret Thatcher Centre through earmarked donations to the Cherish Freedom Foundation.

The Cherish Freedom Foundation was incorporated in Virginia on 25 February 2010 and obtained IRS approval under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code on 25 February 2011.

The purposes for which the Cherish Freedom Foundation is exclusively organized and for which it operates, as a non-profit, educational foundation, are to study, conduct research and analysis, and to inform and educate the public on its leadership as to historical, legal, jurisprudential, economic, philosophical, political, social, and public policy matters, including, but not limited to:

(i) the sources and underpinnings of the political, economic, and religious liberties enjoyed by the peoples of nations constituting the Anglosphere;

(ii) domestic and international threats to national sovereignty and freedom and ways to defend against those threats;

(iii) the importance of the special relationship among nations in the Anglosphere in preserving and advancing freedom;

(iv) strategies to expand freedom in countries where it does not exist; and

(v) methods to pass the torch of freedom to the next generation.

The purposes of the Foundation are accomplished as follows:

(a) by engaging in, encouraging, and facilitating study, research, analysis, writing, and publications with respect to history, political science, economics, philosophy, law, jurisprudence, theology, and other disciplines providing insight into the conditions necessary for freedom to exist, protecting liberty under a written or unwritten constitution, and expanding citizens’ rights, and by publishing and distributing the results thereof to the general public, including its civic and business leaders, its elected and appointed officials, the media, and other interested individuals and organizations, through various means of communications, including meetings and conferences, briefings, reports, studies, monographs, video presentations, the Internet, radio and other educational materials and media;

(b) by sponsoring and supporting public discussion and better understanding of issues or principles such as individual freedom, national sovereignty, protected rights, limited government powers, checks and balances, separation of powers, and other matters such as those set out above, through groups, forums, panels, lectures, symposiums, seminars, debates, and other similar events to which interested individuals and organizations and members of the public will be invited;

(c) by supporting and sponsoring libraries, museums, and centers and other repositories of historical documents and memorabilia of public interest, as well as monuments and other remembrances of historical
events relating to the struggle for freedom, in the United States and elsewhere, to stimulate interest in and advancement of the Foundation’s purposes;

(d) by supporting, as well as engaging in, public interest litigation that indirectly, as well as directly, supports the purposes of the Foundation;

(e) by providing grants and awards and otherwise encouraging and assisting in the research, writing, and education of the public on issues of interest to the

(f ) by offering internships, fellowships, and conducting cultural exchanges between the United States and other countries; and

(g) by working with other organizations and individuals in furtherance of the above-stated purposes.

Student Internship Programme

The Margaret Thatcher Centre’s student programmes are at the heart of our mission, educating the next generation about Margaret Thatcher’s life and values. These groundbreaking programmes offer selected students a unique educational experience, fostering a deeper understanding of her legacy.

Events at the Centre

Our vibrant events programme includes exclusive dinners, private lectures, and the renowned two-day Freedom Festival. For details and ticket information, visit our events page. Quick links for ticket purchases will be available as soon as tickets are released.